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Z569828 2mag MIXcontrol 20 control unit for MIXdrive sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z569879 2mag MIXcontrol eco control unit for MIXdrive sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z742350 2MAG SATELLITE stirring bar for viscous solutions sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z742351 2MAG SATELLITE stirring bar for viscous solutions sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z693529 2mag stainless-steel bath for MIXdrive sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z742666 2MAG steriMIXcontrol for use with steriMIXdrive sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z742352 2MAG Stirring bar remover PTFE sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z742353 2MAG Stirring bar remover XL sigmaaldrich 1EA
Z687502 3D Biotek 3D perfusion bioreactor system with pump sigmaaldrich 1EA
HS120033 50-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120032 50-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120041 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120040 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120037 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120039 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120036 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120034 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120038 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
HS120035 81-Well microtube storage box, for 1.5-2.0 mL tubes sigmaaldrich 5EA
CLS3574 a sigmaaldrich 50EA